

Found object no.001: Original wayfarer rayban sunglasses stolen from an exboyfreind circa 1992.
Found object no.002: Postcard from "mi querido pablo" 's bar. great place, awesome memories.
Found object no.003: From when a photobooth was a photobooth and a summer was a summer.
Found object no.004: Box of casettes.
Found object no.005: Unreturned library book.
Found object no.006: Sunglases my mom got me, because i HAD to have them. (after the sales lady said Madonna had the exact same pair, only in yellow)
Found object no 004.1: It doesnt get any more 80's than this.
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves. We must die to one life before we can enter another.