
diesel "be stupid" campaign.

via: popsop

the apple app store economy.

via: gigaom.

vintage ad browser.

great collection of vintage ads going as far back as the 1800's.

about desire...

“In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.”

history in my time: earthquake in haiti... 14.01.10.

a compilation of relevant history moments that happened in my lifetime.

sunday, 4:00 pm.


@ steven pedigo's class, "the new global economy".

gays and bohemians have economic value.

summary of the book "The Rise of the Creative Class" by: Richard Florida.
which side of the economy are you on?


@ MBI kick off.


look for something, find something else, & realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.


i finally went grocery shopping!!!

using twitter strategically

knowledge WAS power

"From his Meditationes Sacrae, published in 1597, Francis Bacon was paraphrased as saying “knowledge is power.” Fundamentally, the more you understand about life, the more chance you have at success. But these days, Wikipedia and Google have democratized information to the point where anyone is able to acquire the knowledge they may want".


how to moonwalk in 1.30 min

when you want to learn how to do something that seems random, like moonwalking, how to look good in pictures or know when a person is lying, check out howcast. Great "how to" videos in LESS than 2 minutes.